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Skeletal vs Muscular Back Pain

As our bodies age, it seems like we discover new aches and pains every day. Our joints and muscles don’t feel as flexible and fluid as they did when we were younger. Your spine health can change as you age, too. Age-related changes to the spine can cause symptoms like numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and back pain that can radiate to the arms and legs.

At NJ Institute for Pain Relief, our multidisciplinary team treats all types of acute and chronic pain conditions. We offer advanced treatments for age-related spinal injuries, ranging from the holistic approach of chiropractic care to minimally invasive surgical solutions – often with remarkable results.

Aging doesn’t have to sideline you. Our specialists strive to relieve your pain and restore function so you can enjoy your life again.

Here are some common age-related spine health concerns that our specialists treat:

Disk Degeneration

Your vertebral disks are cushion-like tissue that act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae in your spine, giving your spine its flexibility and strength. When we age, those disks can wear down, shrink, and lose moisture, losing their ability to cushion and protect the bones. Worn-down disks lose their cushioning ability, allowing vertebral bones to rub together painfully.

Degenerative Spondylolisthesis

Degenerative spondylolisthesis is a condition where the age-weakened spine becomes unstable and can no longer hold proper alignment. As a result, one vertebra slips out of its position and onto the vertebra immediately below it. When it compresses a nerve, it causes pain in the lower back or leg.

Spinal Stenosis

The bones of your spine form a canal that protects the spinal cord and the nerves that branch out to the rest of your body. Age-related changes to the bones can cause narrowing in the spaces in the spine, compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots that exit the vertebra.

Facet Joint Osteoarthritis

The facet joints are pairs of small joints connecting the vertebra in your spine. They link and help support the vertebra, providing mobility and flexibility. They each have a layer of cartilage that acts as cushioning. Over time, that cushioning can break down, leading to inflammation. It can also cause painful pressure on spinal nerves.

Compression Fractures

Compression fractures are small breaks in the vertebra that weaken the spine, eventually causing it to collapse. The spine curves as a result, causing a hunched-over posture. They are often a result of osteoporosis, an age-related condition that thins the bones, making them weak and brittle.

Take the First Step to a More Active Life

If your back pain is tarnishing your golden years, call for a consultation at NJ Institute for Pain Relief. Our multidisciplinary team can help you find the best solution for your lifestyle. We know that there is no one “right way” to treat your pain. Every person’s experience with back pain and its effect on their life is unique. From holistic approaches to minimally invasive surgery, we take your pain seriously.

Call us at (855)-425-1900 or contact us on the website today.

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